I almost always book my hotels via hrs.de. It is multi-lingual and you can get hotel room to special HRS price and you get many details about the hotels.
But sometimes you choose wrong hotel. I never found Hotel Schönbrunnerstrasse, Vienna. Probably went in the wrong direction, I was armed only with a Google map. But I remembered last time in Vienna when I stayed in hotel 900 meters from the opera, I saw a hotel closer to Karlplatz and Staatsoper, Papageno. So I went to Westbahnhof and the internet cafe and book a room in Hotel Papageno. Better for me, no need to take U-bahn to Staatsoper, I could just walk, and closer than my earlier hotel. Not mention easier when I was going to Budapest by train, just a few stations with U-Bahn to Westbahnhof.
My hotel in Budapest was K+K Opera, a great hotel only few meters from the opera house and I mean few (20 meters max). And it just wonderful, great hotel, nice people, wonderful rooms and bath-tub. Wellness centre and free internet in the rooms. I never tried the wellness centre and I did not have my laptop with me so I never tried it in the internet in my room. But I did get to use one of the 3 pc's in the lobby. Breakfast was good and varied. Another lovely room. So next time in Budapest I will try to get a room in this hotel, K+K Opera.
My taxi from the Budapest train station, Budapest Keleti, to my hotel costed 4000 HUF. Did I pay too much. I also took a taxi from the hotel to the airport, that costed 6000 HUF. My hotel arranged that and I needed to pay by credit card, I had only 5000 HUF left, so they asked that the taxi had possibility for customers to pay by credit card.
My plane from Budapest was 0905, so I asked the hotel reception about the best and cheapest way to get to the airport and when to leave. So I was advised to take taxi (ca. 20 minutes ride), 6000 HUF and leave 7 am. Minibus was another possibility but 1 hour and 4500 HUF so I would have to leave earlier and maybe miss breakfast (0630).
Monday, 26 November 2007
Premiere: Elektra in Budapest 2007-11-24 with A. Baltsa
2007-11-24 Elektra (R.Strauss), Magyar Állami Operaház
Klytämnestra = Agnes Baltsa
Elektra = Nadine Secunde
Chrysothemis = Bátori Éva
Aegisthos = Gulyás Dénes
Orestes = Perencz Béla
Orestes nevelője - Cser Krisztián
Klytemneistra bizalmasa - Balogh Tímea
Uszályhordozónő - Polyák Valéria
Fiatal szolga - Megyesi Zoltán
Öreg szolga - Szegedi Csaba
A felügyelőnő - Kukely Júlia
1. szolgáló - Balatoni Éva
2. szolgáló - Érsek Dóra
3. szolgáló - Mester Viktória
4. szolgáló - Fodor Beatrix
5. szolgáló - Wierdl Eszter
Kovács János, conductor
Klytämnestra = Agnes Baltsa
Elektra = Nadine Secunde
Chrysothemis = Bátori Éva
Aegisthos = Gulyás Dénes
Orestes = Perencz Béla
Orestes nevelője - Cser Krisztián
Klytemneistra bizalmasa - Balogh Tímea
Uszályhordozónő - Polyák Valéria
Fiatal szolga - Megyesi Zoltán
Öreg szolga - Szegedi Csaba
A felügyelőnő - Kukely Júlia
1. szolgáló - Balatoni Éva
2. szolgáló - Érsek Dóra
3. szolgáló - Mester Viktória
4. szolgáló - Fodor Beatrix
5. szolgáló - Wierdl Eszter
Kovács János, conductor
Magyar nyelvű feliratok / Hungarian text Mesterházi Máté
Rendező / Director Kovalik Balázs
Díszlettervező / stage designer Antal Csaba
Jelmeztervező / costume designer Benedek Mari
Karigazgató / Chorus Master Szabó Sipos Máté
It is Premiere of Elektra and the opera house is wrapped in red on this occasion. Only two things bothered me: that my seat got very uncomfortable after 70 mins plus of Opera, real pain in my ..., and the end where Orest kills both his sisters with a machine gun, so totally unnecessary.
Nadine Secunde was great as Elektra (no surprise there), Eva Batori was wonderful as Chrysothemis. Agnes Baltsa was magnetic as Klytämnestra.
The production: Modern and set in a bath. It started startlingly with the opera house completely dark and then suddenly some light and the thunder of Straussian music. And unlike the Vienna production we could see the people and different types and real human being. The very self-assured über-type of woman, from the more submissive one. But to be onstage without shoes, naked but for some bathrobe or just a towel wrap round the bodies, I would guess they look forward to get dressed again. Some nakedness occurred, only male, and for a short time. Elektra had a black dress (dressed as widow), Chrysothemis in white (dressed as a bride). Klytämnestra also had black dress and a white fur robe. Orest dressed very formally but with sunglasses. Aigist had only a white bathrobe which made him very self-conscious when taking the bow at the end.
The changing of color lighting the stage was very well done. So naturally it got to be very red during some parts of the Elektra/Klytämnestra scene. The symbolism when Klytämnestra was killed was perfectly. No such symbolism for Aigist.
In the end after the murders:Chrysothemis was first greeted by Orestes people as Princess and goes out to dress herself as a new Klytämnestra. Elektra also changes out with the old puff, and a white robe is over the old black. But Elektra is not ready for the happiness, she struggles with the Agamemnon tree to Klytämnestra's bed, the power lies in the bed. She is clearly exhausted. But instead of having her die in the bed of mental exhaustment Orest has her killed with a machine gun. Two shots is heard, so when Orest is supposed to kill Chrysothemis with his second bullet, all Eva Batori can do is to drop dead with no sound.
The end ruined it, when Orest kills his sisters that does not make it a Real Greek Tragedy, but if his two sisters died just of exhausted minds when Orest should celebrate his triumph. THAT WOULD BE Greek Tragedy.
More about this Elektra
Agnes Baltsa,
OD review,
OD Travel
Tosca in Vienna 2007-11-23 with Jose Cura
Tosca with José Cura as Mario Cavaradossi.
Tosca no 517:
Inszenierung Margarethe Wallmann
Bühnenbild und Kostüme: Nicola Benois
I missed a great Scarpia, Ruggero Raimondi is always great as Scarpia. Amarilli Nizza was Ok as Tosca. Liked her Vissi d'arte. José Cura and the conductor was not always in agreement. Cura wanted to be faster. He was also acting in a way inconsistent with the times, Neapolitan time. This was a very traditional Tosca with beautiful settings. It was a beautiful E lucevan le stelle. The end duet Tosca/Cavaradossi was great (good). But Nizza could not help herself when she leaped from the castle one might have thought this was one of the first Toscas in this production, very old fashioned (at least from the -50s). One arm raised....
2007-11-23 Tosca (G.Puccini), Wiener Staatsoper
Mario Cavaradossi = José Cura
Floria Tosca = Amarilli Nizza
Baron Scarpia = Marco Vratogna
Cesare Angelotti = Boaz Daniel
Der Mesner = Lars Woldt
Spoletta = Benedikt Kobel
Sciarrone = Clemens Unterreiner
Mario Cavaradossi = José Cura
Floria Tosca = Amarilli Nizza
Baron Scarpia = Marco Vratogna
Cesare Angelotti = Boaz Daniel
Der Mesner = Lars Woldt
Spoletta = Benedikt Kobel
Sciarrone = Clemens Unterreiner
Ein Schließer = Goran Simic
Paolo Carignani, conductor
Paolo Carignani, conductor
Saturday, 24 November 2007
From Opera to Opera, Vienna -> Budapest
Two days, two countries, two operas: Tosca in Vienna with Jose Cura as Mario Cavaradossi was an old production, really old. Elektra in Budapest with Agnes Baltsa was a brand new production and I was there, at the premiere.
I did get some fine photos of the singers after the opera from stage. Jose Cura had already gone when we stood at the stage door, but I have already plenty of photos of him. Budapest with Elektra, premiere day so I did not wait in the cold for Agnes Baltsa. It was freezing cold (for me) so I went to my hotel. Lucky not far from the opera house.
I must up early in the morning for my flight back home. So I will not write much now about the operas. Except:
Tosca, the conductor was slower than Jose Cura sometimes, I do not blame the conductor. Nizza made her debut as Tosca in Vienna. She was better than in Verona as Aida (I think), but she has some old fashioned ways sometime. And Jose Cura he was really acting like a modern man when this should be Napoleatan time. And I missed Ruggero Raimondi as Scarpia. Vratogna was not Raimondi, otherwise he was good.
Elektra, I liked the production. It is set in modern times in a swimmingpool/sauna atmosphere. I guess a lot of people was happy when they finally could get dressed instead of with bathrobes and less. Beautiful Agnes Baltsa, wonderful Nadine Secunde. This production would almost be perfect if only Orestes did not shoot his two sisters with a machine gun in the end. No Greek tragedy this, only cynismen that won.
I did get some fine photos of the singers after the opera from stage. Jose Cura had already gone when we stood at the stage door, but I have already plenty of photos of him. Budapest with Elektra, premiere day so I did not wait in the cold for Agnes Baltsa. It was freezing cold (for me) so I went to my hotel. Lucky not far from the opera house.
I must up early in the morning for my flight back home. So I will not write much now about the operas. Except:
Tosca, the conductor was slower than Jose Cura sometimes, I do not blame the conductor. Nizza made her debut as Tosca in Vienna. She was better than in Verona as Aida (I think), but she has some old fashioned ways sometime. And Jose Cura he was really acting like a modern man when this should be Napoleatan time. And I missed Ruggero Raimondi as Scarpia. Vratogna was not Raimondi, otherwise he was good.
Elektra, I liked the production. It is set in modern times in a swimmingpool/sauna atmosphere. I guess a lot of people was happy when they finally could get dressed instead of with bathrobes and less. Beautiful Agnes Baltsa, wonderful Nadine Secunde. This production would almost be perfect if only Orestes did not shoot his two sisters with a machine gun in the end. No Greek tragedy this, only cynismen that won.
Agnes Baltsa,
José Cura,
OD Travel
Friday, 23 November 2007
In Vienna 23.11.2007 before the opera
I am in Vienna, at last. Did not think it would be so stressful. First I almosz missed the airport bus to Oslo Airport. It was not that my bus was delayed... Second. The stress of finding that boarding had already started for my flight, had I known I would not have been so patient in the security line. Running and then when we are onboard, we heard it is fog in Vienna, we will be 50 minutes delayed. And yes we were. 1 hour delayed.
And in Vienna: I thought I had chosen a great hotel, but now I have changed that to a hotel I know how to find. My legs hurts after going a long way, probably in the wrong direction. Now, if the taxi drivers near Westbahnhof had looked more like taxi drivers back home then I would probably be relaxing in Hotel Schönbrunnerstrasse.
More later, now I need to eat. And go to my new hotel. (U-Bahnhof Westbahnhof.....)
And in Vienna: I thought I had chosen a great hotel, but now I have changed that to a hotel I know how to find. My legs hurts after going a long way, probably in the wrong direction. Now, if the taxi drivers near Westbahnhof had looked more like taxi drivers back home then I would probably be relaxing in Hotel Schönbrunnerstrasse.
More later, now I need to eat. And go to my new hotel. (U-Bahnhof Westbahnhof.....)
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
About the new Elektra in Hungarian
Népszabadság Online: Elektra - vitán felül
Agnes Baltsa és Nadine Secunde már Athénban is együtt énekelte az Elektrát ... Erről is mesélt a mezzoszopránsztár, Agnes Baltsa, aki beszélgetésünk ...nol.hu/kultura/cikk/471714/ - 87k
Agnes Baltsa és Nadine Sacunde nemrég Athénban énekelték ezeket a ... Baltsa, aki nem először jár Magyar-országon, a következőket mondta: "A Carmen ...kultura.hu/main.php?folderID=910&
Fidelio - Agnes Baltsa is az Operaház vendége lesz
Két világsztár is jön az Operába Richard Strauss: Elektra című operájára. ... Agnes Baltsa talán ismertebb a hazai közönség előtt, sőt az opera zenészei ...www.fidelio.hu/hir.asp?id=11633 - 47k
HírTV - Kultúra :: Az Operaház legfontosabb premierje (+képriport)
A rendezés modern és érdekes, és végre Elektra szerepét egy gyönyörű ruhában játszhatom el!" Baltsa, aki nem először jár Magyarországon, a következőket ...www.hirtv.hu/kultura/?article_hid=185558
Terasz.hu • online kulturális magazin •
Richard Strausz: Elektra Egyfelvonásos tragédia Rendező: Kovalik Balázs Díszlet: Antal Csaba Jelmez: Benedek Mari Szereplők: Agnes Baltsa / Kovács Annamária ... www.terasz.hu/terasz.php?id=galeria& |
Photos of new Production of Elektra in Budapest

November 13, 2007
The facade of Budapest's Opera House has been wrapped in red sheets in preparation for the premiere of Elektra next Saturday. The performance, directed by Balázs Kovalik, will feature Nadine Secunde in the title role. Agnes Baltsa will sing the role of Clytemnestra.

The production is a milestone for the Hungarian State Opera and serves as an attempt to raise its international profile, said director Balázs Kovalik at a press conference before the premiere.
Secunde, also speaking at the press conference, joked that she had sung in 25 productions of Elektra, but had not seen a single Greek column in any of them.
"I was in a production of Carmen (in Budapest), and I worked with the Hungarian State Opera chorus on several occasions in Japan," she said.
November 17, 2007
The Hungarian State Opera is preparing for its most important premier of the year, a production of Richard Strauss's Elektra with Agnes Baltsa and Nadine Secunde on November 24.
The production is extraordinary because of its impressive set as well as because of its two famous leads. It takes place in an abandoned bath dominated by a cube symbolising the world.
"This performance makes very big demands of the performers, but also from a technical point of view: It will not be easy to work with Csaba Antal's gigantic stage props, which have been built with engineering precision," said Kovalik.
Agnes Baltsa Photo: Máté Nándorfi |
"As far as I am concerned, the first consideration should be the stage and the acoustics, which is why my heart was lifted when I saw the outstanding work of these Hungarian artists," she said.
"The production is modern and interesting, and finally I get to wear a beautiful dress as Elektra," she added.
Baltsa said she had good memories of working with the members of the Hungarian State Opera.
Nadine Secunde as Elektra and Béla Perencz Béla as Orestes in Richard Strauss's opera Elektra, directed by Balázs Kovalik. The Hungarian State Opera will premiere the production on November 24. Photo: Péter Kollányi (MTI) |
János Kovács, who will conduct the orchestra at the premiere, said he had learned much from Secunde and Baltsa, making the production profitable for everybody.
Elektra - with Secunde and Baltsa in the lead roles - will be performed on November 24 and 28, and on December 1. The production will premiere with a new cast, including Annamária Kovács, Szilvia Rálik, Zsuzsanna Bazsinka and Attila Wendler on December 8.
Source: fidelio.hu
Monday, 19 November 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Agnes Baltsa (November 19, 2007)
Friday, 16 November 2007
Norma on radio (Cura, Gruberova) 16.11.07
FROM operacast.com
Austrian radio ORF.
GMT 1830/EST 1:30PM | GMT 1830/EST 1:30PM | |||||
BARTOK RADIO Budapest, HUNGARY | | If you hear a white noise while playing this stream we suggest you change (at your own risk) the output driver in WINAMP to the directSound Driver. See instructions for this on our Internet Radio for Techies page 64K aacPlus [WINAMP] If you hear a white noise while playing this stream we suggest you change (at your own risk) the output driver in WINAMP to the directSound Driver. See instructions for this on our Internet Radio for Techies page | 64K WMP | | ||
1830 1:30PM | Opera: Kapcsoljuk a Bécsi Staatsopert - Vincenzo Bellini: Norma - kétfelvonásos opera I. felvonás Szövegét Felice Romani írta Vez.: Friedrich Haider Km. A Bécsi Staatsoper Ének- és Zenekara Szereposztás: Norma - Edita Gruberová, Pollione - José Cura, Adalgisa - Elina Garanca, Oroveso - Dan Paul Dumitrescu, Clotilde - Elina Garanca 2000/3:00PM: - kb.21. Az operabarátok negyedórája A belcanto újkori dívája: Edita Gruberová Magyar Kornél összeállítása 2015/3:15PM: Kapcsoljuk a Bécsi Staatsopert - Vincenzo Bellini: Norma - kétfelvonásos opera II. felvonás Szövegét Felice Romani írta Vez.: Friedrich Haider Km. A Bécsi Staatsoper Ének- és Zenekara Szereposztás: Norma - Edita Gruberová, Pollione - José Cura, Adalgisa - Elina Garanca, Oroveso - Dan Paul Dumitrescu, Clotilde - Elina Garanca (2 hrs., 35 min.) | |||||
1830 1:30PM | SP[ECIAL PROGRAM: Tiešraide no Vines Valsts operas – V.Bellini opera Norma. Elina Garanca, Edita Gruberova, Hose Kura, Vines Valsts operas koris un orkestris, dirigents Fridrihs Haiders. (3 hrs.) |
Austrian radio ORF.
Ö1 Programm Fr, 16.11.2007
Vincenzo Bellini: "Norma"
Mit Edita Gruberova (Norma), Elina Garanca (Adalgisa), José Cura (Pollione), Dan Paul Dumitrescu (Oroveso), Caroline Wenborne (Clotilde) und Marian Talaba (Flavio). Chor und Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper, Dirigent: Friedrich Haider (Übertragung aus der Wiener Staatsoper)
(Übertragung in Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound)
In der Pause:
"Norma" - Bellinis Oper abseits der gängigen Aufführungspraxis : Kompositionsweise, Fassungen, Besetzungsvarianten.
Chris Tengel im Gespräch mit dem Belcantospezialisten Dr. Thomas Lindner
Mit Edita Gruberova (Norma), Elina Garanca (Adalgisa), José Cura (Pollione), Dan Paul Dumitrescu (Oroveso), Caroline Wenborne (Clotilde) und Marian Talaba (Flavio). Chor und Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper, Dirigent: Friedrich Haider (Übertragung aus der Wiener Staatsoper)
(Übertragung in Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound)
In der Pause:
"Norma" - Bellinis Oper abseits der gängigen Aufführungspraxis : Kompositionsweise, Fassungen, Besetzungsvarianten.
Chris Tengel im Gespräch mit dem Belcantospezialisten Dr. Thomas Lindner
EBU-Fanfare (4x)
Länge: 00:20 min
Komponist/Komponistin: Vincenzo Bellini
Textdichter/Textdichterin, Textquelle: Felice Romani
Titel: Norma, Oper in 2.Akten (Live aus der Wiener Staatsoper)
Solist/Solistin: Jose Cura/Pollione
Solist/Solistin: Dan Paul Dumitrescu/Oroveso
Solist/Solistin: Edita Gruberova/Norma
Solist/Solistin: Elina Garanca/Adalgisa
Solist/Solistin: Caroline Wenborne/Clotilde
Solist/Solistin: Marian Talaba/Flavio
Chor: Chor der Wiener Staatsoper
Orchester: Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper
Leitung: Friedrich Haider
Label: Eigenmaterial Wr.Staatsoper
Länge: 141:00 min
Komponist/Komponistin: Vincenzo Bellini
Titel: Norma: aus "Casta Diva"
Solist/Solistin: Joan Sutherland
Orchester: London Symphony Orchestra and Chorus
Leitung: Richard Bonynge
Label: Decca
Länge: 00:35 min
Komponist/Komponistin: Vincenzo Bellini
Titel: Norma: aus "Casta Diva"
Solist/Solistin: Joan Sutherland
Orchester: London Symphony Orchestra and Chorus
Leitung: Richard Bonynge
Label: Decca
Länge: 00:30 min
Komponist/Komponistin: Vincenzo Bellini
Titel: Norma: aus dem Duett Norma-Adalgisa/I
Solist/Solistin: June Anderson, Daniela Barcellona
Orchester: L'Europa Galante
Leitung: Fabio Biondi
Label: TDK
Länge: 00:45 min
Komponist/Komponistin: Vincenzo Bellini
Titel: Norma: aus dem Terzett Norma- Adalgisa-Pollione/I
Solist/Solistin: June Anderson, Daniela Barcellona
Orchester: L'Europa Galante
Leitung: Fabio Biondi
Label: TDK
Länge: 00:58 min
Komponist/Komponistin: Vincenzo Bellini
Titel: Norma: aus dem Duett Norma-Adalgisa/II
Solist/Solistin: Grace Bumbry, Lella Cuberli
Orchester: Orchestra Sinfonica di Bari
Leitung: Michael Halasz
Label: Dynamic
Länge: 00:30 min
Komponist/Komponistin: Vincenzo Bellini
Titel: Norma: aus der Szene Norma-Oroveso- Chor/II
Solist/Solistin: Joan Sutherland, Richard Cross
Orchester: London Symphony Orchestra and Chorus
Leitung: Richard Bonynge
Label: Decca
Länge: 03:03 min
EBU-Fanfare (4x)
Länge: 00:20 min
Komponist/Komponistin: Vincenzo Bellini
Textdichter/Textdichterin, Textquelle: Felice Romani
Titel: Norma, Oper in 2.Akten (Live aus der Wiener Staatsoper)
Solist/Solistin: Jose Cura/Pollione
Solist/Solistin: Dan Paul Dumitrescu/Oroveso
Solist/Solistin: Edita Gruberova/Norma
Solist/Solistin: Elina Garanca/Adalgisa
Solist/Solistin: Caroline Wenborne/Clotilde
Solist/Solistin: Marian Talaba/Flavio
Chor: Chor der Wiener Staatsoper
Orchester: Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper
Leitung: Friedrich Haider
Label: Eigenmaterial Wr.Staatsoper
Länge: 141:00 min
Komponist/Komponistin: Vincenzo Bellini
Titel: Norma: aus "Casta Diva"
Solist/Solistin: Joan Sutherland
Orchester: London Symphony Orchestra and Chorus
Leitung: Richard Bonynge
Label: Decca
Länge: 00:35 min
Komponist/Komponistin: Vincenzo Bellini
Titel: Norma: aus "Casta Diva"
Solist/Solistin: Joan Sutherland
Orchester: London Symphony Orchestra and Chorus
Leitung: Richard Bonynge
Label: Decca
Länge: 00:30 min
Komponist/Komponistin: Vincenzo Bellini
Titel: Norma: aus dem Duett Norma-Adalgisa/I
Solist/Solistin: June Anderson, Daniela Barcellona
Orchester: L'Europa Galante
Leitung: Fabio Biondi
Label: TDK
Länge: 00:45 min
Komponist/Komponistin: Vincenzo Bellini
Titel: Norma: aus dem Terzett Norma- Adalgisa-Pollione/I
Solist/Solistin: June Anderson, Daniela Barcellona
Orchester: L'Europa Galante
Leitung: Fabio Biondi
Label: TDK
Länge: 00:58 min
Komponist/Komponistin: Vincenzo Bellini
Titel: Norma: aus dem Duett Norma-Adalgisa/II
Solist/Solistin: Grace Bumbry, Lella Cuberli
Orchester: Orchestra Sinfonica di Bari
Leitung: Michael Halasz
Label: Dynamic
Länge: 00:30 min
Komponist/Komponistin: Vincenzo Bellini
Titel: Norma: aus der Szene Norma-Oroveso- Chor/II
Solist/Solistin: Joan Sutherland, Richard Cross
Orchester: London Symphony Orchestra and Chorus
Leitung: Richard Bonynge
Label: Decca
Länge: 03:03 min
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Tuesday, 13 November 2007
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