Sunday 26 June 2011

Wonderful holiday, but then I came home

I had a wonderful time in Dortmund with Maria Guleghina in Il Corsaro, and a wonderful time at home with my parents celebrating my mother 75th birthday (3 times during the week), and then I had a wonderful time in Zurich with Cavalleria Rusticana with Baltsa & Cura and Pagliacci with with José and Myrtó. 

And then I was going home. Early flight from Zurich, the airport was like a desert still because most shops was still closed. Finally I could buy some food and I bought 2 Brezels at the cafe close to gate A. I could eat. The night had not been too good but that was nothing to compare to later. On Monday 20th of June I ate the first Brezel and started my second. I still have not completely finished my second Brezel, but almost. I arrived in Oslo and I had decided to call the doctor to get an appointment, but I guess I was not really feeling up to anything except waiting for my flight home while gnawing on my beloved Brezel.

I came home. It was almost after working hours and I dragged me to the computer to do my photos:
Naturally I had decided to blog and write 2 reviews. But I was not feeling strong and I was not eating much. The Brezel was my savior. Thinking ahead I was sure that tomorrow would be a better day and I would get my doctor's appointment and work as planned. I was wrong. I had pains in my stomach all evening and night and morning. My bowel seemed to have stopped, I did not know that. I only knew pain. And I finally dragged myself out of bed to call the doctor. As I got the time 1300, I regretted not taking the emergency phone number during the night or even in the evening. Confused, I did no longer know if my appointment time was 1300, I started to believe it was 1230. I went to my doctor office building dressed for a colder weather then it was with was I supposed would be enough ostomy equipment should my doctor decide to send me directly to hospital.

I waited in the waiting room, it was not too bad, not too noisy or something. Being sick is no game for the faint-hearted. I have with me something to drink, and I had not eaten since the night. Those annoying people kept popping out from 2 directions mumbling names, one never knew which part of your name they would mumble. Happily my doctor pronounced my name so that I immediately knew it was me. I was so grateful at that small grace. Then the doctor asked a few questions and sooner than I thought possible I was on my way in an ambulance. 2hrs in an ambulance laying on my back, being sick, but well enough to really find the long trip super-annoying. I really wanted to me in hospital sooner than later because the ride felt like a waste of time. I did nothing good for me when the nice paramedic told me I was really close when it 20 minutes left. 20 minutes that is not close, 5 minutes, yes.

Hospital. The communication between ambulance and hospital had not gone smoothly so nobody was there for me. Luckily I was not in a life and death situation, just life/life (life with pains / life without pains, or less pain). So no harm was done, this time. It took a long time to get enrolled, I was laying all the time. People was nice, things happened slowly, but at least/last I was at my hospital where I know so many nice nurses. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and then Friday. So many nice people taking care of, but hardly any sleep. I was told repeatedly that my examination would most probably be proceeded by an operation of the ostomy. The examination, an endoscopy of my stoma, would eventually happen on Friday. And Friday morning came and I had my endoscopy which strangely showed very changes, only the top 5 centimeters was narrowing, so NO OPERATION NEEDED. Yet, anyway.

And then the bus home on Friday afternoon. I am home now. Am I well? No, but I am better. But no, I don't think I will travel in July to see Cura in Berlin and Guleghina in Peralada. Do I want to? Well, I am sure if I ever had the moment of feeling super-well that I would love to, but sometimes it is better to say no.

For more reviews from my travels, see


ernestlow said...

Dear Borgi,

Please take good care of yourself. Sometimes these short trips can be very stressful affairs. Have a good rest before doing anything strenous again.

Much love,
Your friend @ singapore

Anonymous said...

I wish you a big charge your health!:)